★ Becoming Human

A Steven Universe Future Site


Each episode will have a mini-essay that contains a synopsis, an analysis of some of the episode's main themes, and shout-outs to my favorite moments. I'm not writing these in order and I will post them as they're finished. I've marked the ones with new content and which ones are still blank.

01 Little Homeschool coming soon
02 Guidance new!
03 Rose Buds coming soon
04 Volleyball new!
05 Bluebird coming soon
06 A Very Special Episode coming soon
07 Snow Day coming soon
08 Why So Blue? coming soon
09 Little Graduation coming soon
10 Prickly Pair coming soon
11 In Dreams coming soon
12 Bismuth Casual coming soon
13 Together Forever coming soon
14 Growing Pains coming soon
15 Mr. Universe coming soon
16 Fragments coming soon
17 Homeworld Bound new!
18 Everything's Fine coming soon
19 I Am My Monster coming soon
20 The Future coming soon
Intro/Credits coming soon